Saturday 30 April 2011

MUTANT - idea blog 6

I've been working on my mutant project as it is nearly due.

This is what it looked like a few days ago:

I added in the branch tail and the oyster shells with white glue onto the body.

I felt the orange flower was distracting and making the image look messy as the head was so large and spiky. So I decided to experiment with how I could make the image less cluttered.

I ended up flipping the background horizontally and ended up with this:

I also shrunk the entire mutant to give the image a bit more breathing space. I added in the two front legs and re-adjusted the angles of the body parts since I had flipped the image.

The next step is to work on the lighting using dodge and burn. I already did colour corrections e.g. contrast, hue saturation, curves etc.

Right now it feels a bit 2D and looks like everything has been cut out and put together like a scrapbook.

Once I the light is in the correct places I think it will look a lot better.


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