Sunday 8 May 2011

PORTFOLIO - references 2

In my previous post for the Portfolio project I said I wanted to do photographic portraits of people with hair made out of flower.

I tried to come up with some alternative ideas after that. I don't live close to the Sydney Flower Market and the flowers would cost a lot of money as well as time to wire the hair pieces. So, I thought I might do something a bit more simple.

I was looking at some of Sandy Skoglund's images on the internet and found the following pieces interesting:

When I saw the following image, I thought of perhaps doing something to do with candy, since the image uses hundreds and thousands sprinkles.

Then I had the idea of creating a candy world, so I researched images to inspire me:

I looked up some images of candy too and found most of the colours were bright, artificial colours or pastels:

I find the textures, colours and shapes of the lollies interesting. I feel that if you look at a candy up close it can be anything because it's just a surface. You cannot tell that it is a lolly, therefore the possibilities in using it to create something new are endless.

I suppose my "theme" for my project is "virtual world" which is the assignment brief from last year's Digital Composite 1 class. So, I looked at some "worlds" created from certain elements.

The first one is Lilypad - "Proposed as a “Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees”, the ecotectural futuristic abode can house about 50,000 inhabitants. The stunning retreat seeks a place for itself in the year 2100 when half the world’s existing shorelines have disappeared due to raising sea level."


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