Friday 27 May 2011


For my tattoo I decided to choose my portrait with the darker background as I thought that would make it easier to blend the tattoo naturally onto the face.

This was the first version that I did:
I think it was too metallic. My dad thought it looked real but thought it was face paint.

So in my next attempt, I changed the green to a grey because I wanted to mimic that tattoo colour. I really didn't like this one because I felt the lighting was all wrong.

For my next attempt I changed the contrast and cropped the image. I also removed the shine from my cheeks.

I felt that everything was too dark, particularly my hair. The texture was lost so I changed the exposure. I like this image because it has two tones.

I wasn't sure if the colours were right so I changed it to a darker colour. This is my final image:


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